What’s Your Hook? – Engaging Colleagues in Learning

Why should people attend a programme you’ve built or bought?

This comes up as part of the work we do a few times a year.  You’ll have a need identified by the business.  The L&D team will have done a great job of scoping, designing and managing the expected implementation of the solution.  The key stakeholders will have signed off on that solution and yet when it comes to running it, people won’t attend.  Why is that?

In my experience of building L&D programmes over the 14 years, it will be because the way the programme is positioned/communicated will not make it clear why the programme is a priority for them and the business.  There’s no hook.

4 Steps to build your hook.

  1. Get those attending involved in the design.  It’s a great way to find some early adopters and build some raving fans.
  2. Go beyond telling people the learning objectives and get them excited by the personal and business benefits of the programme.
  3. Use a compelling data story to back up your claims of the benefits.  The data you produce can be used as evidence as to why the programme is needed.  The story you tell with that data will connect emotionally with people.
  4. Help them contextualise that data story by making it as personal as possible.  If you can, get down to the data that singularly affects that person (at least get down to the team level).

If you can do these 4 things, get people involved, go beyond the Learning Objectives, use a compelling data story and make that data story personal people will be drawn to the programme.

Thanks for reading.  To head back to the blog click here.  To contact us to help you build your hook click here.

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash