What does it involve?

We want you to be confident that you’re enhancing your L&D offering in a way that supports your colleagues, and the business’s growth.

Taking the opportunity to look at your current offering and asking “Is this working as well as it could be?” can be hard for experienced professionals.  It can feel like there’s no time to get the changes you want done, that the business is constantly changing and there’s questions as to the efficacy of what you’re offering.

Each of our customers is a skilled professional working at their respective companies’ highest levels of management.  All with more than 10 years experience.  They reached out to us because they knew there was a better way to do L&D.  They just needed some help seeing that was, and a voice advocating for them.  That’s where we step in.

We’ll be there to help you enhance your offering while giving you all the credit.

When working with you to enhance your existing L&D offering we:


It begins with our L&D Discovery Report.  This is the starting point for all our work.  When helping you enhance your current L&D offering we work with you to understand how it could be done.  We use this to see how the L&D offering works in the larger organisation context.  We look at:

L&D Data: A review of the way you analyse the effect of your learning to help you create your L&D Data Story.  This in turn can become the blue print for how you evaluate learning and play success back to the business.

L&D Programmes: Programmes that your people would benefit from and advice on how current programmes could be enhanced.

L&D Team: The skills the L&D team would benefit from gaining to support your people.  We look at the structure of the team and make recommendations for how this could change to ensure, the processes that govern the team are effective and the team’s strategy to support the business.

L&D Technology: A review of your current technology stack,  We ask “How could this tech be better utilised?” “Where could we make new investments?” and “Which of these technologies should we stop using?” if they are no longer needed or able to support the L&D team, your colleagues and the business.

The report allows you to see the actions, timelines and investments required to implement the recommendations.

Giving you the choice to implement them yourself or by partnering with us.


If you choose to work with us to implement the report recommendations, we will take the lead.  We act as an Interim L&D lead and project manager, supporting the wider team.

As the project rolls out we can make further recommendations, set up partnerships with the right L&D tech providers and begin the process of interviewing candidates for the L&D roles that you require.

We’ll start working with your team to enhance and review programmes including advice on their design, delivery and evaluation.  As part of this, we’ll look at your L&D brand, how you market the offering and set you up to enter awards.

As things take shape we set up the data points and collation processes to begin proving the impact your L&D offering will make.


When your team is ready we hand over everything we’ve been working on so you can sit back and enjoy your enhanced L&D function.

We keep in contact with the L&D team by providing 3 post-engagement check-ins.  Allowing them to ask us about what’s come up since we left, so they know they’re supported as they take on the next step of running your enhanced L&D function.

Who is this service for?

This service is for those wanting to rethink the way their Learning & Development team supports your people and the business.

Typically people who want to enhance their current L&D offering are:

  • Chief People Officers / HR Directors (who know something needs to change, but don’t know where to start)
  • L&D Directors (who have an idea where to start, but struggle with capacity)
  • L&D Teams (that want to know what skills they need and how to get them)

Can I just have the report?

Of course!  We’ve worked with many customers who just wanted the Learning & Development Discovery Report so they could take it away and implement the changes themselves.

How much does it cost?

We have no set price for the work we do. We work out a reasonable price for the project based on the scope, budget and timelines involved.  We work with you to ensure we can deliver a solution you can afford.

How long does it take?

That depends on the requirement, but as a rule of thumb we:

  • Aim to have the Align element completed in no more than 4 weeks
  • Provide you with a recommended timeline of activity that works with your budget
  • Look to the future and provide options that cover at least 3 – 6 months in advance

I'd like to know more. What do I do next?

Please get in touch using our Contact page or by emailing info@alignlearndo.com

Why choose us?

We’ve a lot of experience when it comes to enhancing existing L&D offering. From SMEs (Small and medium Enterprises) to global enterprises.  We’ll have seen the challenges and know the best way to solve them.

Feel free to drop us a message using info@alignlearndo.com or use the Contact Us page for more information about how we can help you.

Discover how we’ve helped other clients with their Learning and Development challenges